Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

Self Report - Pedagogical Contents


2.1     Teaching Methods
After I watched my mentor as he taught. Teachers in this School use teaching methods that depend on the lessons they will teach students. Some of them use lecture methods to explain to students but sometimes also use question and answer methods. But for science lessons, they use experimental methods for students because science closes in relation to discovery. And I got some other methods, uses visuals: While explaining an operation or skill, use a visual or graphic to help get the point across. This can be as simple as showing the lesson on a document camera or as savvy as using a video or other technology tool. Makes connections: To help students make sense of concepts, provide them with connections to the real world or previously taught lessons. Always begin a new lesson with a reminder of the last. And the last, uses assessments: My mentor uses it to check in on student learning and drive future instruction.

2.2     Learning materials and Innovation
Some times the teachers still using the cartolina or manila paper to help them give the explanations for the pupils. But, there are also some teacher using their laptop and projector to give their explanation for the pupils. Each classroom has speaker that will help them to study in learning. They usually include the game that related to the materials. They put it on motivation part.

2.3     Sources Of Learning and Technology
   Based on my observation, Teacher can add other materials from internet. Use learning media with technology such as power point. In additional can use extra work sheets on handouts. The teacher using the references from the Departement of Education of Philippines. They will teach using the books that  are recomended from the departement. For the technology, this school has projector to help the teacher give explanation for the pupils.

2.4     Authentic Assessment
   The teacher will use their quiz and also their assignment to give their score for their pupils. They are some aspecs that will be score by the teacher also such as attitude from their pupils.

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